Giving Levels
Every donation helps us achieve our mission.
- A donation of $100 will allow us to provide a family with food for the holidays.
- A $250 contribution will support job training for a group of young adults.
- $1,000 can provide a laptop for a student.
- A donation of $5,000 will allow us to purchase equipment and learning toys for our toddlers in our early childhood classroom.
- A donation of $10,000 or more will help us furnish our individual and group counseling rooms in the Safe Passages Wellness and Prevention Center.
Other Ways To Help
Provide a Company Internship in Oakland
Safe Passages seeks the participation of companies to provide internships to highly motivated students. For more information, please contact Alicia Perez at
Organize a Toy, Clothing, or Book Drive
To ensure that our youngest babies’ and children’s basic needs are met, your company or neighborhood can help families build home libraries to expose children to reading and the world of books and imagination at an early age. Please contact Alicia Perez at
To donate by credit card, use the link above, or send a check payable to “Safe Passages,” to: Safe Passages Attn: Development 1017 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94607.
To make a donation by phone, make a wire transfer, give a gift of stock or securities, or to inquire about naming Safe Passages in your will or estate planning, please contact Alicia Perez at
We also encourage tribute gifts in honor or memory of a loved one.