Early Childhood Initiative

This initiative promotes collaboration between public and private systems and nonprofit providers to create a citywide safety net for children ages birth-8 who are exposed to violence and growing up in poverty. Services include Baby Learning playgroups and workshops, case management, mental health services, and mental health consultations at pre-school sites.

School Linked Services Initiative

Safe Passages implements a variety of school based programs, academic, afterschool enrichment, family engagement and social supports, at 21 schools in 3 school districts including Oakland, San Lorenzo and Union City Unified School District in Alameda County.

Social and Economic Development Initiative

The Social Justice Career Pathway, a program designed and run by Safe Passages, provides young people growing up in poverty with the resources and support they need to pursue their goals and develope skills that prepare them to succeed in the workforce.

Career Pathways and Community Development

This initiative works closely with universities, government entities, and private organizations to develop new job opportunities for youth and adult family members. Students are given the opportunity to learn about broad range career tracks, including the arts, education, law enforcement, legal services, social work, and the health professions.