May 2019 Newsletter

Hats Off to Our Moms and Graduates

This month we dedicate our newsletter to our high school graduates and all the mothers who have supported the development of our babies through childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.

Safe Passages supports a continuum of programs and services beginning with Early Childhood and continuing through college and career. This month we celebrate all of the youth graduating from high school from our family of programs. We understand that this is no small accomplishment given our context of generational poverty, historical oppression, and institutionalized inequities that challenge youth of color every day of their lives. Despite the context, our graduates have demonstrated the extraordinary resiliency to navigate through a complex and sometimes unforgiving education system with the tenacity needed to beat the odds.

Read the rest of this article and the entire newsletter.

April 2018 Newsletter

Elev8 Oakland – A Youth Led Urban Arts Enterprise

In the summer of 2013, Safe Passages joined forces with youth residents of the Havenscourt neighborhood in Oakland to create an urban arts movement dedicated to uplifting the consciousness of how our city is portrayed. The youth of this movement seek to Elev8 Oakland by portraying images of peace, hope and strength through their art. This video gives voice to the youth in this movement.

See here for more info

Elev8 – Overview

Elev8 is a national initiative dedicated to providing middle-school age youth and their families with a coordinated array of services to support student success in school and life by providing a powerful combination of high-quality supports. Safe Passages in Oakland was selected by Atlantic Philanthropies in 2008 to lead this full service community schools initiative along with the cities of Chicago and Baltimore and the State of New Mexico. This video highlights the components of Elev8 – Academic, Health, Family Supports and accomplishments to date.

See here for more info