The Safe Passages Annual Reports provide a comprehensive review of accomplishments during the year. The 2014 report includes initiative and program descriptions, numbers of clients served, outcome evaluation data and program resources.
Author: admin
Five Cities are Improving the Odds for Their Children. Here’s How!
The Urban Health Initiative (UHI) is a decade-long, $65 million national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to improve the health and safety of children in five cities: Baltimore, Detroit, Oakland, Philadelphia, and Richmond. The Foundation established UHI in 1995 — partly in response to the 1992 Los Angeles riots — to determine whether a concerted, collaborative effort could bring about citywide improvements in multiple measures of child well being.
Elev8 Oakland Community Schools Cost Benefit Analysis
In 2009, Safe Passages became the lead entity for the implementation of the Elev8 Oakland Full Service Community Schools Initiative, a national initiative dedicated to providing middle-school age youth and their families with a coordinated array of services to support student success in school and life by providing a powerful combination of high-quality supports. In this policy brief, Bright Research Group documents the costs and benefits of Community Schools based on an analysis of expenditures for 2011-12 for Elev8 Oakland. This policy brief demonstrates that benefits to investing in community schools extend beyond direct and short term impacts on the students and families accessing resources through them. Investments in community schools allow sites to leverage additional investments and generate long term cost savings to society through reduced reliance on public systems and increased lifetime earnings.
Artist & Educator Jonathan Brumfield Receives State Honor
The article profiles Jonathan Brumfield, Manager of the Urban Arts Initiative “Get Active” at Safe Passages. Mr. Brumfield received highest honors upon receiving his Master’s of Arts Degree in Ethnic Studies from San Francisco State University. His thesis is title, “Oakland’s Urban Hieroglyphics: 21st Century Youth Scribes of Oaklands’ ‘Graffiti’ Culture.”
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Hands-on Support Boosts Young Men to New Heights
Safe Passages and partners respond to President Obama’s announcement to launch the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative. The article highlights the tremendous accomplishments of Elev8 Oakland, lead by Safe Passages, to improve academic and social outcomes for boy of color growing up on poverty.Read more
Safe Passages Wins $900,000 Youth Re-entry Grant
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) announces that Safe Passages had been chosen to received a $895,950 federal Face Forward-Serving Juvenile Offenders grant through the U.S. Department of Labor. The funds will be used to implement the Safe Passages’ Elev8 Law and Social Justice Career Pathway Project, which aims to improve employment opportunities for youth transitioning out of the criminal justice system.
West Oakland Middle School Celebrates the Opening of New School-based Health Center
On Thursday November 1, 2012 West Oakland Middle School (WOMS) will celebrate the opening of a new school-based health and family resource center made possible by Lifelong Medical Care, Alameda County, the City of Oakland, and Safe Passages. School site leaders, parents, students, and community-based providers will join these key partners in unveiling a health clinic that offers comprehensive medical, dental health, health education, and youth development services under one roof, as well as a resource center which provides an array of family support and educational services.
Oakland Celebrates its First Graduating Class of the Baby Learning Communities Collaborative
In partnership with the City of Oakland, Oakland Unified School District, and the County of Alameda, Safe Passages successfully implemented its first year of the Oakland Baby Learning Communities Collaborative Program (BLCCP) and celebrated its first graduating class on March 12, 2011. BLCCP, modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone Baby College, involves extensive community outreach, a series of playgroups for parent-infants, parent education workshops and case management services.
Madison Middle School Celebrates the Opening of New School-based Health Center
On January 27, 2011 Madison Middle School opened its school-based health clinic with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Oakland Mayor Jean Quan provided remarks during the celebration. This is the first comprehensive clinic in Oakland’s Sobrante Park Neighborhood and will provide physical care, mental and dental health care, nutrition services and health education.
Youth Safe Haven Aims to Cut Crime Through Learning
Youth Safe Haven, an international community policing/mentoring model was launched at four schools in the surrounding neighborhoods of East Oakland on February 25, 2011. The schools included Coliseum College Preparatory, Roots international, Futures Elementary and Community United Elementary. In this program students will receive homework assistance, participate in enrichment activities, learn life skills, and benefit from a trusting, consistent adult mentor. This initiative is funded by the Eisenhower Foundation.