In the summer of 2013, Safe Passages joined forces with youth residents of the Havenscourt neighborhood in Oakland to create an urban arts movement dedicated to uplifting the consciousness of how our city is portrayed. The youth of this movement seek to Elev8 Oakland by portraying images of peace, hope and strength through their art. This video gives voice to the youth in this movement.
Month: June 2016
Elev8 Oakland Family Engagement Video
This video highlights the family engagement work at West Oakland Middle School, one of the five original Safe Passages Elev8 Middle School sites in Oakland. It was produced in partnership with StoryTellers for Good and Bright Research Group.
Elev8 – Overview
Elev8 is a national initiative dedicated to providing middle-school age youth and their families with a coordinated array of services to support student success in school and life by providing a powerful combination of high-quality supports. Safe Passages in Oakland was selected by Atlantic Philanthropies in 2008 to lead this full service community schools initiative along with the cities of Chicago and Baltimore and the State of New Mexico. This video highlights the components of Elev8 – Academic, Health, Family Supports and accomplishments to date.
After-School Landscape, Analysis, & Recommendations: Sustainability in Oakland
The purpose of this document is to answer the following questions regarding after-school programming in the City of Oakland:
1) What is the after-school context in Oakland?
2) What are the existing resources?
3) Who is being served?
4) Who is not being served?
5) What should be the priorities?
6) What are new resources and how to target them?
Safe Passages After-School Efficacy: A Guide To Evaluating What Works For Kids
This guide identifies questions that cities are currently addressing in their evaluations, and provides definitions of research terms and activities used in program evaluation, a comprehensive list of common outcomes and processes that have been measured in past after-school evaluations, a summary of recent after-school outcome evaluation findings, and a discussion of these findings. Finally, this paper presents the next steps in Oakland’s evaluation efforts, based on this information, for the Oakland Comprehensive After-School Program Initiative and other city funded after-school programs.
Safe Passages 2014 Annual Report
The Safe Passages Annual Reports provide a comprehensive review of accomplishments during the year. The 2014 report includes initiative and program descriptions, numbers of clients served, outcome evaluation data and program resources.
Five Cities are Improving the Odds for Their Children. Here’s How!
The Urban Health Initiative (UHI) is a decade-long, $65 million national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to improve the health and safety of children in five cities: Baltimore, Detroit, Oakland, Philadelphia, and Richmond. The Foundation established UHI in 1995 — partly in response to the 1992 Los Angeles riots — to determine whether a concerted, collaborative effort could bring about citywide improvements in multiple measures of child well being.
Elev8 Oakland Community Schools Cost Benefit Analysis
In 2009, Safe Passages became the lead entity for the implementation of the Elev8 Oakland Full Service Community Schools Initiative, a national initiative dedicated to providing middle-school age youth and their families with a coordinated array of services to support student success in school and life by providing a powerful combination of high-quality supports. In this policy brief, Bright Research Group documents the costs and benefits of Community Schools based on an analysis of expenditures for 2011-12 for Elev8 Oakland. This policy brief demonstrates that benefits to investing in community schools extend beyond direct and short term impacts on the students and families accessing resources through them. Investments in community schools allow sites to leverage additional investments and generate long term cost savings to society through reduced reliance on public systems and increased lifetime earnings.